sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2019

Minhas antigas pinturas... My old paintings...

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23 comentários:

  1. Muito bonitas as suas pinturas minha amiga, gostei bastante e aproveito para desejar um bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  2. all of this china is beautiful but i really favor the first pattern, i am a butterfly lover!!

  3. All these painted plates are exquisite! I particularly love the turquoise one. Beautiful fresh flowers.

  4. Amazing talent! I also pick the turquoise as my favorite, but I love them all. Hope you will have a beautiful week.

  5. What a splendid profusion of flowers and butterflies, Maristella! I love the turquoise plate with the gold outline around the flowers, and the last one is also very sweet with the softly coloured background. The carnations in your bouquet make me feel breathing in their fragrance. Have a nice Sunday!

  6. Gorgeous plates and such lovely flowers!...Christine

  7. So very pretty! Yes, they are works of art! I love the turquoise plate - it is lovely. The flowers are art come to life. Wishing you a lovely week! Hugs xo Karen

  8. Maristella, I love butterflies and your porcelain is stunning! Have a great week and hugs.

  9. Que lindas e trabalhosas as suas pinturas! Gostei imenso do prato azul canetado a ouro. Parabéns! E que belas as suas rosas!!

  10. You do such amazing work, gorgeous painting, I so love the one with the gold outlining, I really want to do something like that with my cards :) The last is my favorite of them all. Your beautiful fresh flowers are always so lovely to enjoy too!

  11. That turquoise plate is beautiful. I love turquoise, and used to have it in my kitchen at one time. It's so nice that you often have flowers around your home.

    Have a good week, Maristella.


  12. Very nice, Maristella. The turquoise plate is my favourite. The other day, I overheard a woman at a store talking about how turquoise and orange is the new hot colour combo for spring.

    Thanks for stopping by. Hope you're keeping cool with lots of iced tea!

  13. What lovely works of art, Maristella! They are exquisite!

  14. So colorful and expressive. Love all the nature displayed on plates! It's so dreary here, I can't wait to have flowers again.

  15. What beautiful pieces you have! I'm particularly drawn to the turquoise bowl with peonies. Sigh....
    Sandra @ Dinner at Eight

  16. Preciosos e lindos trabalhos, Maristella!
    Uma arte maravilhosa, que muito admiro!... Pois a mão, não pode falhar!... Parabéns, Maristella, pelo seu imenso talento!
    Grata por esta partilha, tão especial!
