domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2019

~ bring back lavenderdreamstoo ~ can imagine how devastating this has been to me. I appreciate my sweet hubby taking the time to help me start a new blog. But can I ask all of you to do me a favor? Will you please put a sentence or two in your next post to let people know where I am and what has happened to me? You can say that my blog was unfairly removed by Blogger and we are trying our best to get it back, but for now I will post updates on the process here:
And also a plea to Blogger to bring back lavenderdreamstoo. We're a supportive community! Maybe they will listen if we all voice our consternation together!
Thank you, Lavender Dreamer Diane

You have our permission to copy and paste any part or all of this post to your social media. At the very least please post a few lines on your own blog about what's happened to Lavender Dreams and include our new blog address. Thanks. MrLD

16 comentários:

  1. Hi Maristella, I will follow your new blog too.
    Please have a look to my friend's Donna's blog here:
    and you will see what she says about the Google+ and the Blogger.
    I think you will get some help to find a solution.
    I already followed her advices.
    Hugs, Mia

  2. Maristella, I could not leave a message to your new blog. It says that administrator does not allow comments! Wow!
    Three things:
    1. I lost all my Google+ followers because I did not read Donna's advices earlier. But at least I still have my blog.
    2. Please see Donna's blog. Hopefully you will find the help you need.
    3. I have a programmed post in about 5 hours. Be sure that I will add two phrases for you.
    Hugs, my dear friend.

  3. Hi Mia!That message is from Diane's blog,from Lavender dreams.She ask blogfriends to let the blog community knows what happened to her ten years blog.I have known about it in "The Nest at Finch Rest",Michelle's blog.I hope Diane can see your tips here...Thank you,dear Mia!

    1. Caros amigos,essa publicação é cópia autorizada do blog "Lavender dreams",criado há dez anos por Diane e excluído sumariamente de "Blogland". Há um Link para o novo blog dela para maiores informações.Abraços.

    2. Thank you for explaining, Maristella. Let's hope that Diane will find a solution. Hugs, my friend.

  4. And I just saw, I was following her blog!!!!!!! What a pitty!!!!!

  5. How sad it must be to see everything vanish so suddenly when all you did was try to share beautiful texts and pictures in a benevolent way. I hope Diane will find the heart to start a new blog and continue.

  6. Siento tristeza, espero que lo puedan recuperar. Un beso.

  7. Oh, I heard about this, it's awful that she lost her blog. And so nice of you to do a post about it, Maristella.

    Have a wonderful week.


  8. De vez em quando, surgem casos assim na blogosfera... nunca entenderei porquê!...
    Imagino o desalento, dos seus autores! Mas felizmente, parece que a situação estará aos poucos a ser ultrapassada!....
    Deixo um beijinho e votos de uma feliz semana!

  9. Thank you so much for letting our blog friends know about what's been happening to lavender dreams too. And I did read the comments and appreciate so many trying to help. I was not google + but of course there's things for all of us to learn when there are problems. I'm back today and hope you get a chance to visit my old blog! Thanks for being such a sweet friend and supporting me through this! Hugs!

  10. Thanks so much for stopping by!! I saw what happened to the blog you mention in this post...

  11. Dear Maristella, hope all of this will be resolved soon.
