terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2019

Uma inglesa com motivos orientais e alguns bordados.

Obrigada pelas visitas e gentis comentários!Thank you for visiting and for your kind comments!THANKS RUTH, BERNIDEEN AND JANN!!! "TUESDAY CUPPA TEA"(www.antiquesandteacups.info),"BERNIDEEN'S TEA TIME,COTTAGE AND GARDEN"
(https://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/) E "SHARE YOUR CUP THURSDAY"(jannolson.blogspot.com.br).THANKS BEVERLY! "Anything goes...PINK SATURDAY"(howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/) 

18 comentários:

  1. Beautiful tea cup and lovely embroidery, sweet friend. I hope your week is going well. Love and hugs to you!

  2. Lovely teacup and saucer and the embroidery is exquisite. xx

  3. You are so sweet and very kind to visit me and leave a nice message for me. Thank you.
    Every thing in your post is just stunning...sooo pretty

  4. Lovely china, but I will have to say that I enjoyed looking at the embroidery, such beautiful pieces with lovely stitching!

  5. Hello dear Maristella!
    Love your tea cup set and your gorgeous embroidery!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a lovely day! Hugs!

  6. LOVE all that pretty linen; the embroidery is beautiful, and the design on the teacup and saucer and plate is lovely.

  7. Gostei bastante da decoração da chávena de chá, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  8. Tudo muito delicado : a chávena/pires e os bordados !!!!
    Bjs e boa quarta !

  9. Hi, The tea cup pattern is so sweet. I also love the pretty embroidery and cross stitch.

  10. This porcelain and embroidery match perfectly. :)

  11. Hi Maristella. Thanks for your visit and your linens are beautiful. What is that beautiful little pink flower?..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  12. Bonita chávena e abençoadas mãos que tão bem bordam!
    Eu gosto muito de bordar comecei com 5 anos a bordar com ponto de pé de flor a ainda tenho esse meu primeiro trabalho.. Bom fim de semana

  13. The cup is lovely but I especially love the embroidery details. Beautiful.

  14. Another stunning tea cup and linens!!!
    I blog as a stress releiver from my job..... And as a creative outlet! I am now following you and added your blog to my blog roll.....Thanks for stopping by and for commenting on my post about Blogging. i will be doing a Follow Up soon.May I suggest that your son add the Translate button to the top of your blog so we can read it in English? I would love that!

  15. This beautiful tea cup and lovely embroidery go so well together.

    All the best Jan

  16. Mais uma xícara, deslumbrante, com motivos florais... que realmente combinam lindamente com rendas e atoalhados bordados, como nos mostra, Maristella... tornando uma mesa, inesquecível, com tanto requinte na sua decoração!
    E como sempre... termino a encantar-me com mais uma das suas flores...
