sábado, 16 de setembro de 2023

Meu isto e aquilo... My this and that...

Obrigada pela visita e gentis comentários. 

Thank you for your visit and for your kind comments. 

18 comentários:

  1. Lindas plantas e flores !!!
    Boa semana !

  2. Wonderful photos, dear Maristella! Full of beauty, colours, light and happiness. 🌺
    Have a happy new week. Hugs!

  3. Fotos deslumbrantes que muito gostei de ver
    Saudações poéticas. Feliz semana.
    Poema: “ O Amor tem os olhos fechados “

  4. Ooooo, the yellow flowers are pretty. They remind me of Fall. And you know the red rose made me smile. ; ) You take care of your plants so well.

    Have a wonderful September week, Maristella.


  5. Gorgeous post, I love your spider plant, we were given a little cutting from a friend, I hope it grows up well, it doesn't seem to be on a good start so far. I am not good with remembering names of flowers and plants but I think they are Orchids, wow they are lovely and I really like the red and green plant. The rose with the rocks in the background is so pretty with it's contrast!
    Have a great week!

  6. Tem flores e plantas deslumbrantes, Maristella!
    Sempre um gosto imenso poder apreciá-las! Esse seu terraço será uma cantinho maravilhoso para elas!
    Grata por mais uma linda partilha! Beijinhos! Feliz semana!

  7. Such pretty flowers! I especially like the orchids.

    Thanks for the visit.

  8. Hello! How beautiful! Thank you for making me smile this evening.

  9. So many lovely plants, totally in love with your Coleus...or what the multicolored leaf is...lovely photos! Hugs, Sandi

  10. Your plants and flowers look very nice.
    Enjoy your September days.

    All the best Jan

  11. I am astonished at all the lovely plants you have cared for and loved, Maristella. You certainly have a green thumb.

  12. Maristella your flowers are beautiful and you are a talented lady. I have been on vacation so I am late in reading. Blessings, my friend!

  13. Feliz Primavera, por aí, com dias dias inspiradores e harmoniosos, para si e todos os seus, Maristella!
    Beijinhos! Tudo de bom!

  14. Qué bien se ven tus plantas!
    Sólo tengo una de las que muestras aquí y es la planta que huele a incienso 🤭🌿

