segunda-feira, 10 de julho de 2023

Meu isto e aquilo... My this and that...

 Obrigada pela visita e gentis comentários. 

Thank you for your visit and for your kind comments. 

... Bem-aventurados os que não viram e creram.  João 20:29.

... Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.  John 20:29.

20 comentários:

  1. Always love the pretty flowers and plants, but my eye caught the crocheted flowers and cactus, they are so cute!
    Hope you have a good start to your week!

  2. Um post variado e bem bonito !
    Bjs e um resto de bom dia !

  3. Oh, I love to see your porcelain ladies. I look for them when I'm at the antique shops, but they are hard to find. Your porch area with the white table and chair is so charming. It would be nice to spend some time out there. Have a pleasant week Maristella.


    **thank you for sharing all the names with us. I really like the name Virginia, and that is my neighbor's name which I chat with from time to time. I know when the time comes, Jess and her husband will have a dear name picked out for the baby. : )

  4. Your photos are always so gorgeous...and my d-in-law sold Avon and has quite a few 'reward' statues...they are always lovely. I've always thought the Avon Barbies quite beautiful, but I don't keep boxed dolls...such someone's castoffS...Have a great day, Sandi

  5. What lovely porcelain figures! I love the Avon bag!

  6. Lovely ceramic ladies and spots of color on your plants! Hugs to you, Maristella.

  7. Lindas peças e belas flores.
    Tudo perfeito para colorir o nosso olhar.

  8. Your flowers and plants are blooming beautifully, Maristella. Those little crochet flowers in the pot are charming.

  9. The crochet flowers are so cute.

    Glad your son and his girlfriend scored Eras tickets. My cousin managed to get tickets to a Singapore show. Still hoping Taylor will do a Canadian tour.

  10. Such beautiful flowers, elegant ladies... and the crocheted flowers are really cute! Thank you for sharing beauty and cheer, dear Maristella! Big hugs!

  11. I like the ladies and beautiful flowers.
    The crochet flowers look good.

    Enjoy your July days.

    All the best Jan

  12. As bonecas são elegantes e agradáveis de ver! as flores são lindas!

  13. I love the Avon ladies. Gorgeous flowers, Maristella! I hope you are doing well, my friend!

  14. So sweet, Maristella! Love all the pretty flowers and your lovely patio. The crochet plants are so cute and the figurines, too. Lovely verse. Sending hugs xo Karen

  15. Que lindas essas bonecas...
    Essa sua folhagem zamioculca está linda.
    Boa entrada de mês de agosto.

  16. Hello again and happy new month of August soon! :)
    I'm not on Instagram anymore (at the moment, anyway) and I'm pleased to have more time for blogs.
    Hugs and blessings!

  17. Já tinha comentado mas desapareceu o comentário e aqui deixo outro.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  18. Maravilhosas peças e flores, que adornam o seu cantinho, Maristella!
    Grata por tão bonitas e encantadoras partilhas!
    Voltando devagarinho, se a recuperação da minha mãe prosseguir... andei ausente devido a um súbito problema de saúde dela, que me obrigou a consultas e tratamentos quase diários, nestes últimos 2 meses. Uma dermatite nas pernas dela, combinada com a má circulação crónica, que logo ganhou contornos preocupantes... felizmente já controlada... e torcendo para que assim se mantenha!... Vamos ver, durante os próximos dias...
    Um beijinho grande, estimando que se encontre de saúde, assim como todos os seus!
    Feliz Agosto!
