quinta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2019

A Arte do Fogo,por Miguel Vitorino.

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26 comentários:

  1. Such a gorgeous design on that pretty plate...AND...a bunch of beautiful roses sitting in a pretty vase always cheers my day, thank you.

  2. Amazingly beautiful design and lovely roses. Your posts brighten my day

  3. There is truly nothing more beautiful than flowers. Yours are especially lovely!!!

  4. Hello, the flowers are beautiful. Love the pretty plate! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

  5. Que coisas lindas!! :)

    Desculpe o atraso, estou com dificuldades em aceder aos blogues incluindo o meu, desde ontem.
    Afeição aos silêncios.
    Beijo e um bom fim de semana.

  6. Fiery beauty indeed. :)
    Have a happy weekend! Hugs!

  7. Oh wow that plate is so elegant, pretty gold outlining and the bird is lovely! Your flowers are always beautiful!

  8. the china is really beautiful, special looking!! i don't know if i have ever seen china like that!! the roses are very pretty as well!!

  9. So pretty and delicate. Sending hugs and love.

  10. Roses are beautiful! This plate with bird and flowers is amazing. Hugs Renata.

  11. As rosas são maravilhosas e a porcelana está repleta de lindas cores e lindos detalhes. Beijinho e tudo de bom.

  12. So lovely, Maristella. The plate and the flowers are gorgeous. Happy December to you, my friend.

  13. Maristella, the plate and flowers are beautiful! Wishing you a beautiful week dear friend!

  14. Que prato maravilhoso!!!
    Também adorei as flores, são lindas.

  15. Lindo prato e lindas rosas
    Em louças de porcelana
    Numa postagem bacana
    Com tanta imagens formosas!

    Vejo que o belo tu esposas
    Como quem busca a humana
    Parte do belo que emana
    De nossas almas virtuosas.

    Parabéns, na arte do fogo!
    Parabéns, por esse jogo
    De lançar louças e flores

    Para alegrar o ambiente
    E fazer bem para a gente,
    Nos resgates dos valores!

    Grande abraço! Laerte.

  16. Un plato bellamente decorado. Las flores vivas son la decoración de mesa más hermosa.

    Saludos cordiales :)

  17. Oh my, look at those beautiful roses! Such a unique color. Your bird plate is gorgeous. I'm wondering if it's a hummingbird - it has the same body as the hummingbird, but their beak is looong. I hope you are enjoying this special Christmas season, Maristella. : )


  18. What gorgeous flowers and such a pretty plate, Maristella! Happy December to you.

  19. Um prato deslumbrante! Adorei ver... tal como os arranjos de flores... tudo sempre com o maior bom gosto! Beijinhos!

  20. Those roses are so beautiful :)

    All the best Jan
